Faculty structure
Institute of Anthropology and Ethnology
phone: (+48 61) 829 1376
e-mail: etnolo@amu.edu.pl
www: http://etnologia.amu.edu.pl
address: ul. Uniwersytetu Poznańskiego 7, 61-614 Poznań
- Department of Cultural Anthropology
- Department of Social Anthropology
- Department of Ethnology
- Department of Theory and Methodology of Anthropology
Institute of Cultural Studies
phone: (+48 61) 829 2229
e-mail: instkult@amu.edu.pl
www: http://www.kulturoznawstwo.amu.edu.pl
address: ul. A. Szamarzewskiego 89, 60-568 Poznań
- Department of Film and Audiovisual Culture Research
- Department of Economic Ethics
- Department of Cultural Hermeneutics
- Department of Urban Cultural Studies
- Department of Cultural Semiotics
- Department of Artistic Culture Research
- Department of Cultural Participation Research
- Department of History and Methodology of the Science of Culture
- Department of Performance Studies
- Department of the Study of Religion and Comparative Research
Chair of Theatre and Media Arts
phone: (+48 61) 829 4532
e-mail: ktism@amu.edu.pl
www: dramat-itism.home.amu.edu.pl/
address: ul. A. Fredry 10, 61-701 Poznań